Laura Multitasks!

Friday, February 27, 2015

On a Friday

I really wish I had exciting things to share with you, but really all I've been doing is massaging my lip just like the doctor told me. That's really some thrilling stuff. 

Let's see if I can do any better...

I got slippers today. I've been hunting for them all winter, because I knew I wanted the lovely Minnetonka ones Mum found last winter, but I couldn't find any at Marshall's or T.J. Maxx where they would be on sale. And you know I need things to be cheaper than retail price before I am willing to spring for them. Today, Marshall's had ONE pair of the slippers I my size. They now live on my feet and for the first time this winter, my feet are warm. So nice that it took until almost MARCH to make it happen.

Nope? Okay. How about this:

Jennifer and I went to the Target Dollar Spot, and we found mini erasers in bunny, chick, and carrot shapes, just in time for Easter. I saw them and thought, "Oooh, erasers!"

Jen saw them, gasped, and said, "Manipulatives!"

This is how you can tell Jen thinks like a teacher and I think like someone who likes cute erasers.

I got adorable sticky notes in a variety of designs, plus a test tube filled with paperclips. This is to add to the Korean stationary I bought on Etsy this week. Also I ordered a dashboard for my planner. This is what happens when I pick up a new craft...I obsessively collect supplies to go along with my new craft until I have so many supplies I cannot store them properly. 

Like, I don't know why I want these stickers...but I do. Maybe in the next batch of goodies I order.

Now, I will get back to the thrilling evening activities I'm engaged in: knitting my camouflage sweater and watching MASH.

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